Google Ads management: reduce costs, maximize results
As a leading Google partner agency in Hamburg, we offer first-class Google Ads management that not only delivers impressive returns on investment, but is also backed by Google itself. Our focus is on creating quantifiable value for your business, be it through increased revenue, online sales, more leads or other key metrics.
Professional Google Ads management
Our experienced Google Ads management team in Hamburg offers comprehensive Google Ads management and advice and uses a combination of AI-based optimization, analytics tools and comprehensive reporting. This innovative blend of strategic thinking and digital efficiency enables our clients to realize the full potential of their digital campaigns. Our approach has helped both small local businesses and leading German e-commerce brands to succeed.
We are more than just a “Google Ads management” agency. Our specific approach is based on thorough research and data analysis to ensure that search engine advertising (SEA) is the ideal channel for your business goals.
Customized strategies for your goals
Based on in-depth market analysis, we develop a customized roadmap that takes your business goals and market conditions into account. Our Google Ads campaigns are continuously refined using state-of-the-art optimization and analytics technology. This iterative process of testing and learning ensures that your advertising budget and marketing investments achieve the highest possible return.
Value, always
Successful campaigns with an experienced team - With one of the most experienced Google Ads and Analytics teams in Germany, we focus on continuous innovation to achieve first-class results for our clients. Our goal is to optimize your campaigns and ensure you get the most out of your digital marketing spend. You can find successful examples in our case studies.
Our customers
A selection of our performance marketing clients
Google Shopping & Remarketing
Through Google Shopping, Search & Remarketing, we were able to increase YOY annual sales & average order value, with the same budget and some obstacles.

Compared to the previous year, we were able to increase the average order value by 33%.
Compared to the previous year, we were able to increase sales through Google Ads by 27% - with the same budget input
Increase in clicks (YOY) through Google Ads - with the same budget
Facebook Ads Specialists
Luxury car manufacturer
As one of the first manufacturers of all-wheel drive vehicles, this automaker has more than 65 years of experience building durable, high-performance SUVs.

Estimated rate of increase in advertising recall (ad-recall lift)
Reduction of costs per estimated increase in advertising recall (persons)
Reduce cost per landing page view
Regional SEO Strategy
Care provider PRIMUNDUS connects with prospects using our regional SEO strategy and creates a significant increase in organic reach with our SEO expertise.
Increase in clicks in the last 6 months compared to the previous period
The average ranking has improved by 9.95 positions in the last 6 months
Keywords in the top 3 SERPs
Venture Capital Investor
LinkedIn Marketing
As a leading venture capital investor known for its work with tech companies, moving face-to-face events online due to the global pandemic was a natural evolution of a company with innovation at its core.

Video view-through rate +50% above LinkedIn global benchmark
CPM -48% below LinkedIn's global benchmark
Conversion phase video CTR +45% above global sponsored content video standard
Performance specialists
Luxaflex® is the market leader in blinds, awnings and shutters, as well as one of the largest distributors of the best-known curtain brands.

Reduction of costs per inquiries via contact forms and calls generated by our SEA campaigns.
Within 3 years we managed to increase the average number of monthly conversions by more than 3000%.
Percent improved conversion rate with dramatic increase in traffic generated, including display activity.
Performance specialists
bellapelle Kosmetikstudio Hamburg is Hamburg’s top address for the most effective facial treatments and highly dosed active cosmetic products.

Increase in website conversions year over year.
Organic growth of traffic, year after year.
Keywords on page 1 of Google.
Fearless experimentation
There is no set-and-forget approach. Constant testing of ad placement, ad texts, keywords and bidding models maximizes your marketing budget.
Hyperlocal targeting
Reach users based on intent and geographic location.
Google Shopping
Perfecting your feed requires more than just accurate information, campaign setup, and bid amounts. We can help you with that.
Our team understands the nuances of an effective e-commerce strategy, including campaign options, feed management and creative execution.
Machine learning
Using software that relies on artificial intelligence to reduce the time it takes to mine and analyze data provides valuable and actionable information that our professionals can use.
First class target tracking
We invest significant resources to capture high-value actions, which means that all marketing channels are measurable and controllable.
Best Practice Optimization
Using the latest findings increases the number of leads and reduces costs. Simple, isn't it?
Strategic approach
We are completely focused on the goals of our customers. This means that all activities and campaign structures correspond to real marketing goals.
Furchtloses Experimentieren
Es gibt keinen Set-and-Forget-Ansatz. Wir testen ständig Anzeigentexte, Schlüsselwörter, Landing Pages und Gebotsmodelle, um das Beste aus jedem Marketingbudget herauszuholen.
Google Shopping
Um Ihren Feed zu perfektionieren, bedarf es mehr als nur genauer Informationen, Kampagnenaufbau und Gebotsbeträge. Wir können Ihnen dabei helfen.
Maschinelles Lernen
Der Einsatz von Software, die sich auf künstliche Intelligenz stützt, um die Zeit zu verkürzen, die für den Abbau und die Analyse von Daten erforderlich ist, liefert wertvolle und verwertbare Informationen, die unsere Fachleute nutzen können.
Die Nutzung neuester Erkenntnisse erhöht die Zahl der Leads und senkt die Kosten. Einfach, oder?
Hyperlokales Targeting
Wir verwenden stichwort- und vorortspezifisches Targeting, um Benutzer auf der Grundlage ihrer Absicht oder ihres geografischen Standorts zu erreichen.
Unser Team versteht die Nuancen einer effektiven E-Commerce-Strategie, einschließlich Kampagnenoptionen, Feed-Management und kreativer Umsetzung.
Erstklassige Zielverfolgung
Wir investieren beträchtliche Ressourcen, um hochwertige Aktionen zu erfassen, was bedeutet, dass alle Marketingkanäle messbar und kontrollierbar sind.
Strategischer Ansatz
Wir sind ganz auf die Ziele unserer Kunden ausgerichtet. Das bedeutet, dass alle Aktivitäten und Kampagnenstrukturen den realen Marketingzielen entsprechen.
At Tiki-Taka Media GmbH, we focus on realistic customer expectations and sustainable growth through effective Google Ads management. Our collaboration helps you to dominate online and strengthen your market position.
Industries for which we provide services
Retail and e-commerce
We understand what makes an e-commerce strategy truly effective.
Financial industry
We know you like numbers. In a competitive market, we create optimized campaigns that meet critical business metrics.
It's important to understand where your customers spend their time and spend their money online. Our tailored approach means your beauty brand appears when you need it most.
Legal industry
The care and ethics with which you run your business should be incorporated into your online strategy. Our team understands both.
Real Estate
Real estate is not the only industry that is all about location, location, location. Being found when it matters most.
Tiki-Taka has been involved in the digital marketing of this market, which has evolved from niche to mainstream, and relies on search engine marketing to achieve better visibility.
Medical industry
The medical industry has many nuances when it comes to privacy and confidentiality. tikitaka has experience in mastering these successfully.
Their needs are constantly changing. Our team is experienced in developing strategies that adapt and evolve with you.
Working with brands like MATE Bike means we understand the digital marketing needs of great startups.
Automotive industry
Tiki-Taka is your team of experts for digital marketing in the automotive industry.
We specialize in putting education providers in the spotlight so they attract the right students and learners.
We support large associations in a professional and straightforward manner, such as one of the largest insurance associations in Germany.
Einzelhandel und E-Commerce
Wir verstehen, was eine E-Commerce-Strategie wirklich effektiv macht.
Die Sorgfalt und Ethik, mit der Sie Ihr Geschäft betreiben, sollte in Ihre Online-Strategie einfließen. Unser Team versteht beides.
Medizinische Industrie
Die medizinische Industrie hat viele Nuancen in Bezug auf Privatsphäre und Vertraulichkeit. tikitaka hat Erfahrung darin, diese erfolgreich zu meistern.
tikitaka ist Ihr Team von Experten für Digitales Marketing in der Automobilindustrie.
Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, Bildungsanbieter in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen, damit sie die richtigen Studenten und Schüler anziehen.
Ihre Bedürfnisse ändern sich ständig. Unser Team ist erfahren in der Entwicklung von Strategien, die sich mit Ihnen anpassen und weiterentwickeln.
Immobilien sind nicht die einzige Branche, in der sich alles um Standort, Standort, Standort dreht. Gefunden werden, wenn es am wichtigsten ist.
Wir wissen, dass Sie Zahlen mögen. In einem umkämpften Markt erstellen wir optimierte Kampagnen, die die entscheidenden Geschäftskennzahlen erfüllen.
Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, wo Ihre Kunden ihre Zeit verbringen und ihr Geld online ausgeben. Unser maßgeschneiderter Ansatz bedeutet, dass Ihre Kosmetikmarke dann erscheint, wenn sie Sie am meisten brauchen.
tikitaka war und ist an der digitalen Vermarktung dieses Marktes beteiligt, der sich von der Nische zum Mainstream entwickelt hat.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Marken wie MATE Bike bedeutet, dass wir die digitalen Marketingbedürfnisse von großen Startups verstehen.
Wir unterstützen große Verbände professionell und unkompliziert, wie einen der größten Versicherungs-Verbände Deutschlands.
Frequently asked
Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is a powerful tool that enables companies to reach people who are actively searching for products or services. The ads appear prominently above the search results on Google. For example, if you search for “Google Ads care Hamburg”, you are likely to see ads in the first four positions, marked by a small “ads” logo. These ads are designed to appear when certain keywords are entered and maximize the chances of conversions. Advertisers only pay when someone clicks on the ad, which is why this method is known as “Pay-Per-Click” (PPC).
The positioning of these ads is determined by an “ad auction”, which is recalculated for each search. Important factors are
A) The amount you are willing to pay per click.
B) The relevance of your ad and website for the search term.
Other factors such as page loading speed and click-through rate also influence the ranking. Ads can appear in various formats, including phone numbers, addresses, prices and images, to attract the attention of searchers using Google Ads.
There are two main costs associated with Google Ads management and ad management by an agency such as Tiki-Taka Media GmbH:
Media costs
These costs, also known as click budget, are incurred when people click on your ad. You determine how much you want to spend on Google. There are tools that calculate the average cost per click (CPC) for your target keywords and indicate the search volume. This allows you to plan your budget optimally. For example, if the search term “Google Ads Management Hamburg” costs €10.00 per click and there are 100 search queries per month, you could invest up to €1,000 per month to reach these queries.
Management costs
These costs vary depending on the size and structure of the agency. Regardless of size, the key factor is the return on investment your Google Ads campaign achieves, where a well-structured campaign strategy is essential. At tikitaka, we work with a tiered structure that provides flexible solutions without requiring excessive media spend.
Google offers companies the opportunity to manage their own Google Ads accounts and run effective advertising. However, not all Google Ads management providers are qualified to optimally manage your marketing investment. As a Google partner, Tiki-Taka keeps certifications and qualifications up to date. Google regularly audits our accounts to ensure compliance with best practices. We also have access to exclusive support and training that gives our clients a competitive advantage.
Google uses various methods to prevent fraudulent clicks by customizing search results based on user behavior. However, malicious users can still circumvent these barriers. tikitaka therefore uses additional software to customize the protection. This software prevents certain user groups from seeing your ads based on their behavior and location. Since introducing these measures, we have been able to achieve significant savings in unnecessary clicks.
Search engine marketing (SEM) is an essential component of Google Ads management, which aims to increase the visibility of your website in search engine results and target your audience. Through paid ads that target relevant keywords, companies can target potential customers who are actively searching for their products or services.
SEM offers the advantage of gaining instant visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website to effectively reach your target audience. It allows you to personalize your ads based on demographics, geographic locations and user behavior to maximize relevance and effectiveness. By continuously optimizing and adjusting your SEM strategy, you can reduce cost per click, improve performance and increase conversion rates, ultimately leading to a higher return on investment. Search engine marketing is therefore a powerful tool to strengthen your online presence and boost your business growth.
Conversion tracking is a crucial element of Google Ads management that allows companies to measure the success of their advertising campaigns. By setting up conversion tracking, you can understand what actions users take after clicking on your ad, such as purchases, registrations or downloads.
This data is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions to optimize your ad strategy. With conversion tracking, you can determine exactly which keywords, ads and campaigns are delivering the best results, allowing you to target your marketing investments. By continuously analyzing and adjusting your campaigns based on conversion data, you maximize the return on investment and improve the overall performance of your Google Ads activities.
Remarketing is an effective strategy within Google Ads management that allows companies to target users who have already shown interest in their products or services. By placing cookies on the devices of your website visitors, you can serve customized ads that retarget these users as they browse the internet.
This method increases the likelihood that potential customers will return and complete a conversion, be it a purchase, a registration or another desired action. Remarketing campaigns can be designed in a variety of ways, including dynamic ads that show specific products that the user has previously viewed. This personalized approach improves the relevance of ads and increases the efficiency of your marketing spend.
A Google Ads prospecting campaign is a strategy that aims to reach new potential customers who have not yet interacted with your brand. Unlike remarketing, which focuses on users who have already shown interest, prospecting aims to expand your target audience and attract new prospects.
These campaigns use Google Ads’ powerful targeting options to target users based on demographics, interests and online behavior. By using machine learning and data analytics, Google Ads Prospecting campaigns can effectively target new markets and increase brand awareness. They are particularly useful for filling the top of the sales funnel and driving long-term growth.
By combining engaging ad formats and precise targeting, Google Ads Prospecting campaigns enable businesses to attract new customers and significantly increase their reach. This strategy is an essential part of comprehensive Google Ads management that aims to maximize both short-term and long-term business results.
Google Ads is a powerful tool that helps companies achieve their business goals efficiently. Through targeted advertising campaigns, you can increase your visibility in search engine results and target the exact audience that is relevant to your business. With Google Ads, you can personalize your ads based on keywords, demographics, geographic locations and user behavior to maximize relevance and effectiveness.
A key benefit of Google Ads is the ability to measure and adjust the success of your campaigns in real time. You can accurately track return on investment (ROI) by analyzing conversions, clicks and other key performance metrics. This data allows you to make informed decisions and continuously optimize your marketing strategies.
In addition, Google Ads offers flexible budget options so you can control your spending and tailor it to your specific business goals. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic or boost sales, Google Ads provides the tools and strategies to effectively achieve your goals and sustain your business growth.
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