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Performance marketing for blinds, awnings and shutters franchisees

Success story

Understanding the importance of local search for this franchisee operation was paramount and a key factor for tikitaka in unlocking the performance marketing potential of Luxaflex®.

Group 3


Reduction of costs per inquiry via contact forms and calls

Group 3


Increase in monthly contact requests within 3 years

Group 3


Percent improved conversion rate with dramatic increase in generated traffic


Real attention to detail

Luxaflex® is the market leader in blinds, awnings and shutters, as well as one of the largest distributors of the best-known curtain brands.

The goal

Previous performance marketing efforts had not yielded positive results because costs were too high and sales were too low. tikitaka, performance marketing specialist, was tasked with getting things right.

The solution

Dig deep into the data

The first thing we did was really dig into the data and the entrepreneurial elements of each franchisee operation we worked with. The goal was to understand the commercial, operational and advertising ecosystems in which we worked.

Once we understood the manufacturing process, lead times, profit margins, cost types, and knew more about the typical Luxaflex customer and their needs, we focused on the best channels to drive low-cost, high-volume sales and leads for the individual companies.

The success

Franchisees beware: 46% of all Google searches are linked to something local

Although important, brand terms were not enough when it came to search volume. That’s why we also initially focused on long-lived, non-branded terms that were still geographically relevant, for example ‘Rollos Hamburg’. Implementing a combined campaign structure that made the most of brand names as well as generic, local and offer-based keywords was key to success here .Also important: taking into account seasonal variables and working really closely with franchisees to ensure consistency of offers and accuracy of the landing page.

Understanding the importance of local search for this franchise operation was paramount and another big factor for tikitaka in unlocking the performance marketing potential of Luxaflex®.

Because we really paid attention to detail when it came to the geographic location of potential clients and franchisees, we were able to achieve some fantastic results for this client.

  • Conversion rate +2.2%
  • Conversion value +527%
  • Conversions +3191%
  • Cost per conversion -93%

If you’d like to see what Paid Search can do for your business, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation.

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