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Automobile manufacturer

Increase brand awareness with ads on Facebook and Instagram

Success story

This leading automaker in the SUV segment used highly relevant Facebook and Instagram ads to connect with potential car buyers and, with our expertise, created an increase in ad recall lift for different customer profiles and the appropriate vehicles for each.

Group 3


Estimated rate of increase in advertising recall (ad-recall lift)

Group 3


Reduction of costs per estimated increase in advertising recall (persons)

Group 3


Reduce cost per landing page view

Automobile manufacturer


As one of the first manufacturers of all-wheel drive vehicles, this automaker has more than 65 years of experience building durable, high-performance SUVs.

The goal

Increase brand awareness

With over 2.38 billion monthly active users, this global client wanted to use the Facebook platform to provide information about its products in various advertising formats. To measure success, we focused on ad recall, a campaign metric that measures how memorable an ad is to an audience.

The solution

Ask the right questions

An ongoing process began in which we asked the right and important questions. What content does the audience engage with on the Facebook and Instagram pages (e.g., comments, likes, shares, …)? Which types of ad formats (e.g. video, image, carousel, dynamic ad) perform better than others? Which bid option works better than others? And we found answers to all questions through constant testing using an advanced third-party data-driven tool.

The client’s creative agency created videos and photos of the cars to create compelling ads for Facebook, Instagram and Stories. The campaigns targeted all potential adult car buyers aged 25 and older.

We narrowed down the target audiences, new audiences were identified and built using interest targeting to identify and reach people with matching interests in relevant topics on Facebook and Instagram.

The campaigns used automated placements on Facebook and Instagram to achieve the greatest possible impact at the lowest possible cost. The split was 60/40 in favor of Facebook. The Facebook and Instagram campaigns were also part of major integrated model launches that also leveraged TV, print, out-of-home and other digital platforms.

The success

Automaker Heaven: The ability to reach 2.38 billion monthly active users

The ongoing awareness and engagement campaigns on Facebook and Instagram for this automaker helped to establish the brand in people’s minds and generate a significant increase in advertising recall. The campaigns achieved between April – November 2020:

  • Estimated advertising recall increase rate (ad-recall lift): 9.4%
  • Reduction in cost per estimated increase in advertising recall (people): – 8.5%.
  • Reduction in cost per landing page view: – 68%.

If you’d like to see what social media advertising can do for your business, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation.

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