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Regional SEO strategy significantly increases organic visibility

Success story

The care provider in the “24-hour care” segment connects with prospects using our regional SEO strategy and creates a significant increase in organic reach with our SEO expertise.

Group 3


Increase in impressions in the last 6 months compared to the previous period

Group 3


Increase in clicks in the last 6 months compared to the previous period

Group 3


The average ranking has improved by 9.95 positions in the last 6 months


& their premium approach

The care service provider PRIMUNDUS places caregivers for “24-hour care”. The founders, with many years of experience, launched PRIMUNDUS with the goal of changing the industry. The dedicated Polish nursing staff are trained internally and have a very good knowledge of German. They provide nursing, care and housekeeping for their patients.

The goal

Increase traffic & inquiries

With over 10,000 deployments in over 10 years, PRIMUNDUS is one of the leading care providers. However, this data was not reflected in their online presence, especially since many deployments also resulted from (referrals). Therefore, the goal was to increase organic traffic and, accordingly, inquiries through our SEO services. To achieve long-term and sustainable success, we have developed a regional SEO strategy that generates targeted and quality organic clicks.

The solution

A new website & keyword structure

An ongoing process began in which we worked closely with the customer to work out the exact wishes and ideas.

This intensive process has revealed the need for a new website structure as well as a more precise targeting. We looked in detail at the fact that there is a difference in the industry between the prospect and the actual person being served.

Through constant testing with the help of our tools, we have been able to continuously monitor whether the regional SEO measures are steering performance in the right direction.

Quickly, through intensive keyword research, we were also able to see that in this case “best practice” is the division into individual localities, i.e. a regional SEO strategy.

In addition, we have also been able to control the content of the website with the use of targeted keywords and thus generate better rankings.

With the help of further, traditional, technical SEO measures, such as building qualitative backlinks, the positioning and performance was also significantly improved here.

The result


Keywords on page 1

The result


Keywords in the top 3 SERPs


Keywords on position 1


If you’d like to see what social media advertising can do for your business, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation.

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