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Dynamic remarketing - the secret of implementation


Philipp Enders

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Here are 10 advanced tactics to take your dynamic remarketing to the next level.

Marketers need to adapt their digital strategies to the evolution of the complex digital advertising environment.

Better insight into a more serious and deeper level of digital advertising is a must, part of ongoing efforts to attract prospects and maintain a loyal customer base. Using dynamic advertising solutions in conjunction with automated personalization capabilities increases scale and personalized engagement, resulting in higher marketing ROI.

Running personalized retargeting campaigns is a useful way to attract and re-engage customers. Here are 10 tactics to take your dynamic remarketing to the next level:

  1. Constantly invest in target group segmentation
  2. Use customer data from 1st or 3rd party CRMs
  3. Strategy for your cross-device and cross-channel retargeting
  4. Use dynamic remarketing of ads with automated personalized offer
  5. Effective measurement of view-through conversion
  6. Optimize for ROI, not conversions or CTR
  7. Dynamic personalization of campaign landing pages
  8. Initiate sequence retargeting
  9. Perform ongoing creative testing
  10. Apply frequency limitation

Best practices for dynamic remarketing

Constantly invest in target group segmentation

Traditional campaign approaches assume that all potential customers are the same and one ad fits all.

Audience segmentation is an opportunity to know the customer’s buying psychology and leverage the touch points that trigger a response. This type of “psychographic” approach separates consumers into different elements of interest and attracts each one based on their position in the conversion cycle.

Audience segmentation goes beyond the old linear conversion funnel of “Look – Interested – Buy” to deeper, non-linear journeys that illustrate the complex behavioral factors that must be considered for behavioral retargeting. With the conversion optimization process, you can implement structures that deliver the right messages to each audience based on their different and unique needs and expectations.

Segment groups for retargeting can include those who opened your emails, those who read them multiple times, people who watched an entire video, or those who started an e-commerce order process but abandoned their cart. Composing a specific follow-up message tailored to the behavior at hand provides an opportunity to convince your prospects to complete a purchase. An added benefit is to weed out those prospects who might be considered irrelevant, such as existing customers (if applicable) or those who spend less than twenty seconds on your website. Use all the tools such as web analytics, CRM information, email and campaign reads, and click-throughs to create a base hypothesis group, and continue to drill down to identify more specific customer segments.

Use of 1st party or 3rd party CRM data

Leveraging rich offline data from your CRM system and adapting it to targeted online campaigns is at the heart of CRM data onboarding. This approach bridges re-engagement, cross-selling and even up-selling strategies to an existing interested audience. An example of this would be using retargeted cookies with an online ad, customizing it within the CRM system, and then creating a specific campaign for that user. Depending on the business and technology, this can be viewed as a form of data mining to attract those most likely to buy.

Email campaigns can help resell the latest product or version to existing customers. Loyalty programs use purchase history statistics for cross-selling opportunities. Online statistics tap into the relationship between existing data and interest levels. Each level gives you the opportunity to expand your reach, attract attention, and use your data and marketing platforms smarter.

Strategy for your cross-device and cross-channel retargeting

Omnichannel targeting refers to the ability to attract and maintain consumers’ attention across the many devices they use. Essentially, this is done by monitoring ever-changing consumer behavior and leveraging that behavior. The goal is to engage customers with highly relevant and targeted messages on desktop, mobile apps, mobile web, and tablets. However, this may be easier said than done. There are many technology barriers associated with cross-device and cross-channel targeting. Tracking behavior patterns across devices can be difficult at best. The use of intelligent targeting and ad-tech solutions can help provide the information that led to both interest and potential purchases. 70% of retail executives have already adopted omnichannel strategies as a method of linking consumer behavior to corporate websites, mobile devices, and social media platforms to create a seamless customer shopping experience. Did you do the same?

Use dynamic remarketing of ads with automated personalized offer

Personalized ads use a user’s cookies when they have visited a website to retarget those users with highly relevant promotions for products or offers they may have shown interest in. Whether consumers are price shopping or comparing value, the retargeted ads address an interest they have already expressed on a personal level. The ads are a reminder of the need, which is a psychological touch point that can lead them through a faster conversion journey. In general, display advertising can typically achieve 0.05% CTR and above. For personalized retargeting campaigns, the CTR can be twice as high as for traditional campaigns.

Using an ad generation platform that is able to automatically personalize and optimize display ads leads to greater engagement and better KPIs for your retargeting campaigns.

An example of this would be linking a product feed to your ad creation and ad serving platform in a way that can be used to automatically generate personalized ads based on past behavior.

Effective measurement of view-through conversion

Impressions themselves rarely trigger a purchase/conversion. However, sometimes the purpose of online ad placement can be to increase brand awareness and build trust. This process requires marketers to constantly analyze and restructure campaigns. View-through conversions go beyond the click-through model and allow marketers to more effectively analyze their dynamic remarketing campaigns. For example, view-through conversions are recorded when visitors see your display ads on third-party websites without clicking on them, only to return to the website (via another source) to make a conversion. Using view-through conversion, you can effectively measure the actual impact of your retargeting ad impressions over time. This is a more holistic approach that provides insights into the value of your marketing efforts with measurable statistics.

Optimize for ROI, not conversions or CTR

Typical remarketing strategies that once focused on optimizing standard click-through rates are gradually being replaced by more meaningful and impactful metrics. While optimizing for CTR may be good for some campaigns, optimizing for revenue can significantly improve others. The buyer’s journey often requires many layers of care throughout the sales process, especially for B2B companies. The process involves carefully measuring the sources of leads that have become revenue opportunities and then performing a cost-per-revenue analysis. Evaluating performance indicators such as type of content consumed, campaign cost, and ad performance metrics allows you to optimize your campaign messages and measure the most effective results over time.

Dynamic personalization of campaign landing pages

While familiarity creates a sense of comfort, static and “one-size-fits-all” content when it comes to a website can actually be boring and turn users off. Entice viewers to land on your site and see something new and different each time they visit. Optimizing for different landing pages gives you the opportunity to deliver a different and personalized message. Landing pages that change dynamically can encourage your visitors to take action and engage with your brand. Some marketers are extending this reach down to a granular level with personalized landing pages based on searched keywords. This can extend to personalizing landing pages for geolocation, device, past behavior, and even weather forecasting.

The more personalized the landing pages are, the more engaging they will be.

Initiate sequence retargeting

For retargeting campaigns, delivering a consistent marketing message has already been defined as “hit or miss.” Therefore, there is a need for a more defined subset to target customers or prospects in a more personalized and relevant way. Sequence retargeting is the delivery of a predefined set of ad creatives in a specific order of presentation. Typically, this is more of a subtle approach that involves reinforcing branding, talking about pain points, addressing the need the customer is referring to, and providing solutions. Each level provides the opportunity to increase interest and move the viewer to the next area of the purchase funnel. This sequential approach also allows the marketer to have analytics that can be measured against the success of the campaigns and make the necessary adjustments to target those most likely to complete a purchase.

Perform ongoing creative testing

Using consistent A/B testing requires complete focus on finding the results that work best. Because consumer interest is constantly changing, testing requires creativity, spontaneity, and trend awareness as basic methods for adapting and changing marketing messages. Campaigns continually drill into consumer psychology, and marketers must be prepared for advanced flexibility in A/B testing and optimization. Layering results requires an understanding that the success achieved for one group may not work for another, and that both the message and the approach need to be adjusted. This is where contextual A/B testing and predictive algorithms come in. Ongoing creative testing seems like an obvious tactic, but in fact – instead of A/B testing at single touchpoints, marketers should focus on A/B testing multiple experiences through segmented A/B testing.

Apply frequency limitation

The primary focus of any marketer is to attract and maintain consumer interest. However, some marketers overwhelm customers with too many offers, making messages incoherent and useless. Frequency Capping is a smart way to communicate your brand and acts like an invitation to preview and accept. It limits the number of times a potential customer sees your ads and prevents the potential customer from feeling “stalked”. The capping process gives the potential customer the feeling that they are in control of their buying decisions.

Concluding remarks

Essentially, the panorama of marketing will continue to change as the Internet and consumers evolve. Those who will achieve the highest level of success will be the marketers who use segmentation, alignment and customization methods. If you need help driving your dynamic remarketing, contact us here.

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